Play as a robot, created to build platforms to scale up a mountain. With 19 puzzles, learn how to approach every solution creatively, and get to the top however you like!

(Don't ask why you're climbing, you're not programmed to do that).

This game was originally made for the GMTK 24 game jam for the theme "Built to Scale". After the release, it has been updated and improved to be enjoyed as a fresh first experience or a relaxing replay.



Arrow keys


STARTEnterPause Menu

Controls for both platforms are visible at all times in-game.


This game is released with CC BY-NC 4.0 licence, which allows you to freely edit and share the game for non-commercial projects as described here.

It is suggested to download the latest version of the cart; the GMTK version of the game is still accessible by downloading the respective cart and


  • Game Design, Code and gameplay assets by me (PeterPlaty)
  • Original tilemap by Kenney
  • Song "Storytime" by Fettuccini

Special thanks to Helen, Eug and all of my friends who playtested it!

Updated 28 days ago
PlatformsHTML5, Windows, macOS, Linux
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenrePuzzle, Platformer
Made withPICO-8
TagsGame Maker's Toolkit Jam, PICO-8, Pixel Art, Puzzle-Platformer, Relaxing, Retro, Short


bot-the-builder [LATEST].p8.png 24 kB
bot-the-builder [OLD - GMTK EDITION].p8.png 20 kB
Download 990 kB
Download 7.3 MB
Download 751 kB
Download 2.1 MB

Install instructions

The cartridge can be played in two ways:

  1. Downloading with the .p8.png file, and opening it in PICO-8 (or any compatible handheld);
  2. Downloading the game for your platform, and running the executable.

It is not necessary to do them both to play the game.

Development log


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Why do I cli- I like this game, but you should add an option to go to the next level so that it can be completed in more than one session :)



Fun game, but I selflocked myself on one of the yellow snake levels :(. There should be a level reset option

OH! I found the restart level button! 

I'm glad you found it! That solution was the easiest I could think of, but I may update the game to detect softlocks

Thanks for trying out my game :)


this has such nostalgic vibes, and it’s actually super satisfying to play on mobile. 

That was the goal, I'm happy to know you had fun! :)


pretty brilliant game took me a minute to figure out what to do with the blocks exactly. it would be cool to add a level indicator somewhere so I would know how many I had made it through. But really good work fun puzzle game.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll keep it in mind to update it once the game jam is over!

I'm glad you liked it!

(1 edit)

Why is it SO HARD to climb up cliffs with my scaling ability? I have to hold X, Up, AND Left/Right, and even then, I STILL keep falling down, especially on higher cliffs!

EDIT: Oh, I've been doing it wrong the whole time! I quickly realized this after I typed out this whole comment.


It's ok, it's a game about learning!

Action buttons are displayed at all times to focus on puzzle solving rather than remembering the controls :)